3 Fireplace Myths

3 Fireplace Myths

3 Fireplace Myths in Florida you probably didn’t know about. You might be surprised to learn that built-in fireplaces can be a great option, even in our warmer climate! Here are some common myths debunked:

Myth #1: They’re too hot and impractical for Florida.

Busted! Modern fireplaces are designed for efficiency, generating heat without making your entire home feel like an oven. Plus, they add ambiance and warmth during those occasional cooler evenings.

Modern Black Fireplace Built-in

Black Fireplace Built-in – South Tampa

Myth #2: They’re too expensive and require extensive renovations

Busted! There are various fireplace options to fit different budgets and needs. Talk to a professional (like us ) about electric, or even ventless fireplaces that require minimal modifications, like these at Amazon, Home Depot. 

White fireplace built-in in Land O' Lakes Florida

White Fireplace Built-in- Land O’ Lakes

Myth #3: They’re just for aesthetics and offer no functional benefit.

Busted! Fireplaces can be a great source of supplemental heat, reducing reliance on your main heating system during cooler months. They also create a focal point in your living space, adding value and comfort to your home.

White Fireplace Built-in & Handmade Mantle- Lutz

White Fireplace Built-in – Lutz

Ready to explore the possibilities? We can help you design and integrate a beautiful, functional fireplace into your Tampa Bay home. Contact us today for a consultation!

See you on the flip side.


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